If you want to join our highly skilled team and our journey to space, send us your application to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Produktionsingenieur (m/w/d)
Typ: Vollzeit
Beginn: ab sofort
Standort: Neuenstadt
- Selbstständige Konzeption, Entwicklung und Optimierung effizienter Produktionsprozesse in den Bereichen Fertigung und Montage
- Definition von Werkzeugen und Vorrichtungen sowie Sondereinrichtungen und Systemen
- Analysieren und Lösen von Produktionsproblemen und Umsetzen von Verbesserungsmaßnahmen
- Qualitätssicherung: Erstellung und Prüfung aller qualitätsrelevanten Fertigungsunterlagen (Arbeitspläne, Zeichnungen, Stücklisten, etc.)
- Prüfung von Zeichnungen und CAD-Modellen auf Produktionsreife
- Abgeschlossenes technisches Studium wie Maschinenbau oder vergleichbare Ausbildung
- Englisch fließend in Wort und Schrift, Deutschkenntnisse sind ein Plus
- Kenntnisse im Bereich Composites sind von Vorteil
- Erfahrung mit der Integration von Bauteilen in Baugruppen
- Geschickter Umgang mit technischen Zeichnungen und der Definition von Form- und Lagetoleranzen
- Sicherer Umgang mit CAD-Software und gängigen MS-Office-Anwendungen
- Idealerweise Erfahrung mit EN9100, ISO 1101 und 14405
- Ein spannendes Arbeitsumfeld, dass die Entwicklung, den Bau und den Einsatz von Hybridraketen umfasst.
- Flexible Arbeitszeiten (Gleitzeit), 30 Tage Urlaub.
- Hybrides Arbeiten / Homeoffice / mobiles Arbeiten
- Weihnachtsgeld
- VISA-Kreditkarte mit 50 € Guthaben pro Monat, die für Einkäufe im Einzelhandel verwendet werden können.
- Bike-Leasing.
- Leistungsanreize möglich.
- Berufliche Weiterentwicklung durch Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten.
- Ein vielfältiges und inspirierendes Arbeitsumfeld, in dem talentierte Menschen aus über 16 Nationen zusammenkommen, um Großes zu leisten.
- Direkter Beitrag und Teilnahme an den End-to-End-Entwicklungsprozessen eines wachsenden New Space Start-up.
Unser Standort Neuenstadt im Heilbronner Land bietet eine optimale Kombination aus ländlichem Charme und städtischer Lebensqualität. Gelegen im Herzen von Baden-Württemberg, zeichnet sich die Region durch ihre hervorragende Verkehrsanbindung und ihre vielfältigen Freizeitmöglichkeiten aus. Entdecke die Vorzüge dieser dynamischen und lebenswerten Umgebung und profitiere von einer ausgewogenen Work-Life-Balance. Aus Baden-Württemberg sind im vergangenen Jahr mit großem Abstand deutschlandweit die meisten Patente angemeldet worden. Insgesamt sind 16.000 Menschen in LR BW-Mitgliedseinrichtungen tätig und setzen jährlich rund 5 Milliarden Euro um – Tendenz steigend. Die Stärke der baden-württembergischen Luft- und Raumfahrt liegt in der integrierten Wertschöpfungskette von der Schraube bis hin zum Forschungssatelliten.
Gleiche Beschäftigungschancen:
HyImpulse ist bestrebt, ein vielfältiges und integratives Umfeld zu schaffen. Als Arbeitgeber, der die Chancengleichheit fördert, werden alle qualifizierten Bewerber ohne Rücksicht auf Rasse, Hautfarbe, Religion, Geschlecht, Geschlechtsidentität, genetische Informationen, nationale Herkunft, Alter oder Behinderung berücksichtigt. Bist du bereit für deine Zukunft? Bewerbe dich jetzt unter This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Production Engineer (m/f/d)
Type: Full-time
Start: immediately
Location: Neuenstadt am Kocher
Key Responsibilities:
- Independent design, development and optimization of efficient production processes in the areas of machining and assembly
- Definition of tools and equipment, as well as special equipment and systems
- Analysing and resolving production problems and implementing improvement measures
- Quality assurance: Creation and review of all quality-relevant production documents (work plans, drawings, BOMs, etc.)
- Check from Drawings and CAD models for production readiness
Basic Qualification:
- Completed technical studies such as mechanical engineering or comparable training
- Fluent oral and written English, German is a plus
- Knowledge with Composites is beneficial
- Experienced with component integration in assemblies
- Skilled with technical drawings and the definition of shape and position tolerances
- Confident handling of CAD software and common MS Office applications
- Ideally experience with EN9100, ISO 1101 and 14405
- An exciting work environment encompassing the development, construction, and operation of hybrid rockets.
- Flexible working time (flextime), 30 days of holiday
- Hybrid working / Homeoffice / mobile working
- Christmas bonus
- VISA credit card with €50 credit per month which can be used for retail purchases
- Bike-Leasing
- Performance incentives possible
- Professional skills development through further training opportunities
- A diverse and inspiring work environment where talented individuals from over 16 nations come together to achieve greatness
- Direct contribution and participation in the end-to-end development processes of a growing New Space start-up
Our location in Neuenstadt in the region of Heilbronn offers an ideal combination of rural charm and urban quality of life. Located in the heart of Baden-Württemberg, the region is characterized by its excellent traffic connections and diverse opportunities for leisure activities. Discover the advantages of this dynamic and liveable environment and benefit from a good work-life balance.
Last year, Baden-Württemberg registered by far the most patents in Germany. A total of 16,000 people work in LR BW member companies and generate an annual turnover of around 5 billion euros - and the trend is rising. The strength of Baden-Württemberg's aerospace industry lies in the integrated value chain from the screw to the research satellite.
Equal Employment Opportunity:
HyImpulse is committed to building a diverse and inclusive environment. As an equal opportunity employer, all qualified applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, age or disability.Ready for your future? Apply now, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Embedded Systems Engineer (m/f/d) – Software Development
Type: Full-time
Start: immediately
Location: Neuenstadt am Kocher
Key Responsibilities:
- Develop real-time embedded systems for space launch missions, including engine control unit, power management, deployment and ground data handling
- Work closely with cross-functional teams, including systems, mechanical, electronic hardware development to ensure integrity of developed hardware
- Develop testing, qualification and integration plans for developed systems
- Take part in peer-review processes for hardware and software development
Basic Qualification:
- Master’s degree in Electronics or Software Engineering is preferred; Aeronautical, Mechanical and Computer systems engineering disciplines will also be considered
- Experience with bare metal, Linux, FreeRTOS, ROS or comparable OS in developing embedded systems
- High level proficiency in C++ for embedded systems development
- Strong understanding of SPI, I2C, UART, CAN and Ethernet protocols
- Experience in developing software libraries for peripheral devices
- Experience with version control systems (Git/SVN) and CI/CD workflows
- Ability to work independently
- Collaborative spirit
- Strong planning and organizational skills
- Problem solving mentality
- Fluency in English (oral and written) is required; German proficiency is an advantage
Desired Experience:
- 3+ years of experience in developing embedded electronic systems
- Debugging skills using standard and advanced H/W and S/W debuggers (e.g. JTAG)
- Previous exposure to web development technologies (Node.js/JavaScript, SCSS, Vue.js/React.js or comparable) is a strong plus
- Experience with MATLAB and LabVIEW is also a plus
- Public portfolio of developed software (e.g. GitHub profile) will also be considered
- An exciting work environment encompassing the development, construction, and operation of hybrid rockets.
- Flexible working time (flextime), 30 days of holiday
- Hybrid working / Homeoffice / mobile working
- Christmas bonus
- Bike-Leasing
- Performance incentives possible
- Professional skills development through further training opportunities
- A diverse and inspiring work environment where talented individuals from over 16 nations come together to achieve greatness
- Direct contribution and participation in the end-to-end development processes of a growing New Space start-up
Our location in Neuenstadt in the region of Heilbronn offers an ideal combination of rural charm and urban quality of life. Located in the heart of Baden-Württemberg, the region is characterized by its excellent traffic connections and diverse opportunities for leisure activities. Discover the advantages of this dynamic and liveable environment and benefit from a good work-life balance.
Last year, Baden-Württemberg registered by far the most patents in Germany. A total of 16,000 people work in LR BW member companies and generate an annual turnover of around 5 billion euros - and the trend is rising. The strength of Baden-Württemberg's aerospace industry lies in the integrated value chain from the screw to the research satellite.
Equal Employment Opportunity:
HyImpulse is committed to building a diverse and inclusive environment. As an equal opportunity employer, all qualified applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, age or disability.Ready for your future? Apply now, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Embedded Systems Engineer (m/f/d) – Hardware Design
Type: Full-time
Start: immediately
Location: Neuenstadt am Kocher
Key Responsibilities:
- Develop real-time embedded systems for space launch missions, including engine control unit, power management and deployment systems
- Work closely with cross-functional teams, including systems, mechanical, software development to ensure integrity of developed hardware
- Develop testing, qualification and integration plans for developed systems
- Take part in peer-review processes for hardware and software development
Basic Qualification:
- Master’s degree in Electrical/Electronic Engineering preferred; Aeronautical, Mechanical and Computer systems engineering disciplines will also be considered
- Proven experience in the design of embedded systems, electrical circuits and PCB layout
- Familiarity with development tools such as debuggers, oscilloscopes, and logic analyzers
- Knowledge of EDA tools such as KiCAD, Altium or comparable
- Experience with version control systems (Git/SVN) and CI/CD workflows is a strong plus
- Ability to work independently
- Collaborative spirit
- Strong planning and organizational skills
- Problem solving mentality
- Fluency in English (oral and written) is required; German proficiency is an advantage
Desired Experience:
- 3+ years of experience in developing embedded electronic systems
- Experience with PCB assembly including SMT, performing repairs or modifications
- Proficiency in C++ for embedded software development and libraries for peripheral devices
- Proficiency in CAD tools such as Siemens NX, Fusion360 or other
- Experience in harness layout management and assembly software is a plus
- Experience in developing FPGA systems is also a strong plus
- An exciting work environment encompassing the development, construction, and operation of hybrid rockets.
- Flexible working time (flextime), 30 days of holiday
- Hybrid working / Homeoffice / mobile working
- Christmas bonus
- Bike-Leasing
- Performance incentives possible
- Professional skills development through further training opportunities
- A diverse and inspiring work environment where talented individuals from over 16 nations come together to achieve greatness
- Direct contribution and participation in the end-to-end development processes of a growing New Space start-up
Our location in Neuenstadt in the region of Heilbronn offers an ideal combination of rural charm and urban quality of life. Located in the heart of Baden-Württemberg, the region is characterized by its excellent traffic connections and diverse opportunities for leisure activities. Discover the advantages of this dynamic and liveable environment and benefit from a good work-life balance.
Last year, Baden-Württemberg registered by far the most patents in Germany. A total of 16,000 people work in LR BW member companies and generate an annual turnover of around 5 billion euros - and the trend is rising. The strength of Baden-Württemberg's aerospace industry lies in the integrated value chain from the screw to the research satellite.
Equal Employment Opportunity:
HyImpulse is committed to building a diverse and inclusive environment. As an equal opportunity employer, all qualified applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, age or disability.Ready for your future? Apply now, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Fluid System Engineer (m/f/d)
Type: Full-time
Start: immediately
Location: Neuenstadt am Kocher
Key Responsibilities:
- Design and simulation of fluid systems (propellant management, ground support equipment, etc.)
- Analysis of fluid system architecture and components selection (i.e. valves, regulators, pressure vessels and instrumentation)
- Assembling and testing of hardware
- Maintain and operate pneumatic and cryogenic hardware and/or control software
- Data analysis and reporting
Basic Qualification:
- Master’s degree in aerospace engineering, mechanical engineering or similar
- Solid understanding of fluid components (valves, regulators, fittings) for cryo and non-cyro application
- Basic knowledge of fabrication, integration processes and quality control relative to tubes/piping and machined components
- Ability to work independently
- Collaborative spirit
- Strong planning and organizational skills
- Problem solving mentality
- Professional working proficiency in English, knowledge of German is a plus
Desired Experience:
- 2+ years as fluid system engineer, test bench engineer or similar
- Professional experience in R&D within the space industry
- Experience with fluid system component design and/or test
- Experience with operating and programming with LabVIEW is desirable
- Proficiency in CAD tools such as Siemens NX, Fusion360, etc
- Knowledge of simulation software such as Ecosim is a plus
- An exciting work environment encompassing the development, construction, and operation of hybrid rockets.
- Flexible working time (flextime), 30 days of holiday
- Hybrid working / Homeoffice / mobile working
- Christmas bonus
- Bike-Leasing
- Performance incentives possible
- Professional skills development through further training opportunities
- A diverse and inspiring work environment where talented individuals from over 16 nations come together to achieve greatness
- Direct contribution and participation in the end-to-end development processes of a growing New Space start-up
Our location in Neuenstadt in the region of Heilbronn offers an ideal combination of rural charm and urban quality of life. Located in the heart of Baden-Württemberg, the region is characterized by its excellent traffic connections and diverse opportunities for leisure activities. Discover the advantages of this dynamic and liveable environment and benefit from a good work-life balance.
Last year, Baden-Württemberg registered by far the most patents in Germany. A total of 16,000 people work in LR BW member companies and generate an annual turnover of around 5 billion euros - and the trend is rising. The strength of Baden-Württemberg's aerospace industry lies in the integrated value chain from the screw to the research satellite.
Equal Employment Opportunity:
HyImpulse is committed to building a diverse and inclusive environment. As an equal opportunity employer, all qualified applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, age or disability.Ready for your future? Apply now, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Mechatronics Engineer (m/f/d) GNC Hardware
Type: Full-time
Start: immediately
Location: Neuenstadt am Kocher
Key Responsibilities:
- Design and develop hardware components and subsystems for launch vehicle guidance systems, including actuators, sensors, controllers, and electromechanical systems
- Create system model and analyze its performance
- Integrate hardware with software systems to ensure seamless functionality
- Conduct testing and validation of guidance systems to verify performance and compliance with specification meeting project and mission requirements
- Work closely with cross-functional teams, including software, mechanical, and electronics engineers, to ensure project alignment
Basic Qualification:
- Master’s degree in Mechatronics, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, or a related field
- Experience in the design and development of electromechanical systems, preferably for guidance or control applications
- Strong knowledge of controllers, actuators and embedded systems
- Ability to work independently
- Collaborative spirit
- Strong planning and organizational skills
- Problem solving mentality
- Fluency in English (oral and written) is required; German proficiency is an advantage
Desired Experience:
- 3+ years as mechatronics engineer, electrical engineer or similar
- Professional experience in R&D within the space industry
- Knowledge of launch vehicle modelling and dynamics
- Familiarity with programming languages such as C++, Python, or LabVIEW
- Proficiency in CAD tools such as Siemens NX, Fusion360, etc.
- An exciting work environment encompassing the development, construction, and operation of hybrid rockets.
- Flexible working time (flextime), 30 days of holiday
- Hybrid working / Homeoffice / mobile working
- Christmas bonus
- Bike-Leasing
- Performance incentives possible
- Professional skills development through further training opportunities
- A diverse and inspiring work environment where talented individuals from over 16 nations come together to achieve greatness
- Direct contribution and participation in the end-to-end development processes of a growing New Space start-up
Our location in Neuenstadt in the region of Heilbronn offers an ideal combination of rural charm and urban quality of life. Located in the heart of Baden-Württemberg, the region is characterized by its excellent traffic connections and diverse opportunities for leisure activities. Discover the advantages of this dynamic and liveable environment and benefit from a good work-life balance.
Last year, Baden-Württemberg registered by far the most patents in Germany. A total of 16,000 people work in LR BW member companies and generate an annual turnover of around 5 billion euros - and the trend is rising. The strength of Baden-Württemberg's aerospace industry lies in the integrated value chain from the screw to the research satellite.
Equal Employment Opportunity:
HyImpulse is committed to building a diverse and inclusive environment. As an equal opportunity employer, all qualified applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, age or disability.Ready for your future? Apply now, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Launch Facility Design Engineer (m/f/d)
Type: Full-time / Part-time and flexible working considere
Start: Negotiable
Location: Glasgow
Key Responsibilities:
- Design of Launch Facility Architecture and layout
- Preliminary and detailed design of launch facility systems
- Definition of launch facility operating procedures
- Management of external design services and suppliers
- Participation in reviews with Spaceport representatives
- Interface with launch vehicle design teams
Basic Qualification:
- Degree in Aerospace, Mechanical, Structures Engineering or comparable
- Good knowledge and/or experience in product development or construction projects
- Ability of working independently and as part of a team
- Confident using the following tools: MS Teams, MS Office, MS Project, Valispace, CAD software
- Professional working proficiency in English
Desired Experience:
- Extensive experience knowledge of hydraulic or pneumatic systems
- Good knowledge of design standards such as DNV, Eurocodes etc
- Experience working with systems in marine environments
- Experience with CAD software (Autodesk products)
- Experience in Finite Element Analysis is a plus
- Experience of electrical power systems is a plus
- An exciting work environment encompassing the development, construction, and operation of hybrid rockets.
- Flexible working time (flextime), 30 days of holiday
- Hybrid working / Homeoffice / mobile working
- Christmas bonus
- Performance incentives possible
- Professional skills development through further training opportunities
- A diverse and inspiring work environment where talented individuals from over 16 nations come together to achieve greatness.
- Direct contribution and participation in the end-to-end development processes of a growing New Space start-up
This role will be based in Glasgow, Scotland and at occasionally there may be requirements to travel to our facilities in Neuenstadt am Kocher, Germany or our test and launch facilities in Shetland.
Glasgow has a strong aerospace and advanced manufacturing community with world class small satellite manufacturers, HyImpulse’s potential customers, located there. More satellites are built in Glasgow than any other place outside California, a dynamic and thriving environment in which to join a New Space company.
Ranked number 2 UK city for work-life balance (Startups Cities Index 2022), low housing and living costs, high internet speeds - a city internationally recognised for its openness, resilience, trust and friendliness, Glasgow is one of the top destinations for science, engineering innovation and design in Europe.
From top events, attractions and cultural festivals to the city's iconic music venues, a diverse and award-winning food and drink scene and the largest retail destination in the UK outside of London, there is plenty to keep everyone entertained. Over 90 parks and gardens, city cycling routes, the River Clyde, and the Clyde and Forth Canal, offers urban tranquillity as well as the welcome buzz of a city.
Beyond Glasgow’s thriving urban social scene, it is the perfect base to explore Scotland. Stunning scenery in the form of rolling hills, glens and lochs are reachable within half an hour’s drive of the city centre and outdoor sports such as hillwalking, climbing, sailing, hiking and mountain biking are popular weekend pursuits.
Equal Employment Opportunity:
HyImpulse is committed to building a diverse and inclusive environment. As an equal opportunity employer, all qualified applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, age or disability.Ready for your future? Apply now, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Test Bench and GSE Engineer (m/f/d)
Type: Full-time / Part-time and flexible working considere
Start: Negotiable
Location: Glasgow
Key Responsibilities:
- Design and operation of fluid systems and test benches for rocket engines and space propulsion systems
- Development and integration of test bench modifications and expansions
- Planning of test activities and participation to test campaigns at our Shetland Testing Facility Post-Processing of data from experimental campaigns and technical reporting
- System Design and selection of technical components
Basic Qualification:
- Bachelor´s or Master´s degree in Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering or a related field
- Very good understanding of process plants, testing facilities, fluid components, control and data acquisition systems
- Very good understanding of cryogenic, hydraulic and pneumatic systems and effects related to cryogenic fluids and compressed gases
- Knowledge of different sensor types and data acquisition systems. Understanding of process plant control and electrical systems
- Experience in using software for modelling and simulation, CAD, PLM, requirements and system engineering, project planning, MS Office
Desired Experience:
- Experience in fluid system design
- Experience in design of process plants
- Experience in operations of process plants
- Practical experience in rocket propulsion testing and handling of cryogenic fluids is a plus
- An exciting work environment encompassing the development, construction, and operation of hybrid rockets.
- Flexible working time (flextime), 30 days of holiday
- Hybrid working / Homeoffice / mobile working
- Christmas bonus
- Performance incentives possible
- Professional skills development through further training opportunities
- A diverse and inspiring work environment where talented individuals from over 16 nations come together to achieve greatness.
- Direct contribution and participation in the end-to-end development processes of a growing New Space start-up
This role will be based in Glasgow, Scotland and at occasionally there may be requirements to travel to our facilities in Neuenstadt am Kocher, Germany or our test and launch facilities in Shetland.
Glasgow has a strong aerospace and advanced manufacturing community with world class small satellite manufacturers, HyImpulse’s potential customers, located there. More satellites are built in Glasgow than any other place outside California, a dynamic and thriving environment in which to join a New Space company.
Ranked number 2 UK city for work-life balance (Startups Cities Index 2022), low housing and living costs, high internet speeds - a city internationally recognised for its openness, resilience, trust and friendliness, Glasgow is one of the top destinations for science, engineering innovation and design in Europe.
From top events, attractions and cultural festivals to the city's iconic music venues, a diverse and award-winning food and drink scene and the largest retail destination in the UK outside of London, there is plenty to keep everyone entertained. Over 90 parks and gardens, city cycling routes, the River Clyde, and the Clyde and Forth Canal, offers urban tranquillity as well as the welcome buzz of a city.
Beyond Glasgow’s thriving urban social scene, it is the perfect base to explore Scotland. Stunning scenery in the form of rolling hills, glens and lochs are reachable within half an hour’s drive of the city centre and outdoor sports such as hillwalking, climbing, sailing, hiking and mountain biking are popular weekend pursuits.
Equal Employment Opportunity:
HyImpulse is committed to building a diverse and inclusive environment. As an equal opportunity employer, all qualified applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, age or disability.Ready for your future? Apply now, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Lead Launch Vehicle Development Engineer (m/f/d)
Type: Full-time, flexible working considered
Start: Negotiable
Location: Glasgow
Key Responsibilities:
- Lead the development of the SL1 Launch Vehicle
- Define technical resource requirements for successful project execution
- Maximise team performance
- Lead technical reviews
- Assess Cost benefit trade-offs of design solutions
- Assess risks across a product / program
- Assess and approve technical completion and compliance
- Develop technology road-map with leadership
- Mentor key engineers and identify areas for skill development
- Work closely with project managers, design team leaders and executives to deliver the vehicle design
Basic Qualification:
- Degree (M.Sc/Meng/CEng,PhD) in engineering with minimum 15 years of experience in the related field
- Experience in design/development of flight systems
- Experience in developing mission and safety-critical environments
- Excellent relationship management skills with the ability to engage, negotiate and manage key stakeholders and suppliers
- Exceptional leadership and communication skills with the ability to optimise team performance and development
- Strong knowledge of standards, as well as system engineering best practices
- Resilient, self motivated and able to work well under pressure
Desired Experience:
- Experience with launch systems or launch vehicles
- Strong Experience in a specialized field such as: fluid systems, propulsion, guidance and control, aerodynamics, flight structures, thermal engineering.
- Demonstrated ability to balance system performance optimization, with production and operations business requirements
- An exciting work environment encompassing the development, construction, and operation of hybrid rockets.
- Flexible working time (flextime), 30 days of holiday
- Hybrid working / Homeoffice / mobile working
- Christmas bonus
- Performance incentives possible
- Professional skills development through further training opportunities
- A diverse and inspiring work environment where talented individuals from over 16 nations come together to achieve greatness.
- Direct contribution and participation in the end-to-end development processes of a growing New Space start-up
This role will be based in Glasgow, Scotland and at occasionally there may be requirements to travel to our facilities in Neuenstadt am Kocher, Germany or our test and launch facilities in Shetland.
Glasgow has a strong aerospace and advanced manufacturing community with world class small satellite manufacturers, HyImpulse’s potential customers, located there. More satellites are built in Glasgow than any other place outside California, a dynamic and thriving environment in which to join a New Space company.
Ranked number 2 UK city for work-life balance (Startups Cities Index 2022), low housing and living costs, high internet speeds - a city internationally recognised for its openness, resilience, trust and friendliness, Glasgow is one of the top destinations for science, engineering innovation and design in Europe.
From top events, attractions and cultural festivals to the city's iconic music venues, a diverse and award-winning food and drink scene and the largest retail destination in the UK outside of London, there is plenty to keep everyone entertained. Over 90 parks and gardens, city cycling routes, the River Clyde, and the Clyde and Forth Canal, offers urban tranquillity as well as the welcome buzz of a city.
Beyond Glasgow’s thriving urban social scene, it is the perfect base to explore Scotland. Stunning scenery in the form of rolling hills, glens and lochs are reachable within half an hour’s drive of the city centre and outdoor sports such as hillwalking, climbing, sailing, hiking and mountain biking are popular weekend pursuits.
Equal Employment Opportunity:
HyImpulse is committed to building a diverse and inclusive environment. As an equal opportunity employer, all qualified applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, age or disability.Ready for your future? Apply now, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Space Licensing and Systems Engineer (m/f/d)
Type: Full-time / Part-time and flexible working considered
Start: Negotiable
Location: Glasgow
Key Responsibilities:
- Manage, prepare and submit launch operator license applications
- Co-ordinate between HyImpulse teams and managers to prepare license documentation
- Manage external stakeholders including but not limited to the CAA, UK Space Agency, Marine Scotland
- Act proactively in assessing risks related to mission, technologies, and developmen
Basic Qualification:
- Degree in Aerospace Engineering or comparable
- Strong knowledge and/or experience in launch vehicle or propulsion development
- Ability to work independently
- Collaborative spirit
- Strong planning and organizational skills
- Problem solving mentality
- Fluent oral and written English
Desired Experience:
- 3+ years of experience as a System Engineer
- Knowledge and/or experience in Aerospace certification and regulatory compliance
- Knowledge and/or experience in launch operations
- Professional experience in R&D within the space industry
- Experience in subsystem integration and interface requirements
- Confident using the following tools: MS Office
- An exciting work environment encompassing the development, construction, and operation of hybrid rockets.
- Flexible working time (flextime), 30 days of holiday
- Hybrid working / Homeoffice / mobile working
- Christmas bonus
- Performance incentives possible
- Professional skills development through further training opportunities
- A diverse and inspiring work environment where talented individuals from over 16 nations come together to achieve greatness.
- Direct contribution and participation in the end-to-end development processes of a growing New Space start-up
This role will be based in Glasgow, Scotland and at occasionally there may be requirements to travel to our facilities in Neuenstadt am Kocher, Germany or our test and launch facilities in Shetland.
Glasgow has a strong aerospace and advanced manufacturing community with world class small satellite manufacturers, HyImpulse’s potential customers, located there. More satellites are built in Glasgow than any other place outside California, a dynamic and thriving environment in which to join a New Space company.
Ranked number 2 UK city for work-life balance (Startups Cities Index 2022), low housing and living costs, high internet speeds - a city internationally recognised for its openness, resilience, trust and friendliness, Glasgow is one of the top destinations for science, engineering innovation and design in Europe.
From top events, attractions and cultural festivals to the city's iconic music venues, a diverse and award-winning food and drink scene and the largest retail destination in the UK outside of London, there is plenty to keep everyone entertained. Over 90 parks and gardens, city cycling routes, the River Clyde, and the Clyde and Forth Canal, offers urban tranquillity as well as the welcome buzz of a city.
Beyond Glasgow’s thriving urban social scene, it is the perfect base to explore Scotland. Stunning scenery in the form of rolling hills, glens and lochs are reachable within half an hour’s drive of the city centre and outdoor sports such as hillwalking, climbing, sailing, hiking and mountain biking are popular weekend pursuits.
Equal Employment Opportunity:
HyImpulse is committed to building a diverse and inclusive environment. As an equal opportunity employer, all qualified applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, age or disability.Ready for your future? Apply now, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Mission Analysis Engineer (m/f/d)
Type: Full-time / Part-time and flexible working considered
Start: Negotiable
Location: Glasgow
Key Responsibilities:
- Conduct detailed mission analyses, including trajectory design, optimization and performance assessments of multi-stage launch vehicles
- Develop models and simulations for launch vehicle performance and mission planning to tailor payload requirements
- Support and collaborate with multidisciplinary teams to ensure mission requirements are met
- Perform flight safety analysis for license applications
- Provide support mission operations
- Act proactively in assessing risks related to mission
Basic Qualification:
- Masters’ Degree in Aerospace Engineering or comparable
- Strong knowledge and/or experience in launch vehicles architecture and trajectories
- Ability to work independently
- Collaborative spirit
- Strong planning and organizational skills
- Problem solving mentality
- Fluent oral and written English
Desired Experience:
- 2+ years of experience as a Mission Analysis Engineer
- Experience in launch vehicle modelling
- Knowledge and practical experience with ASTOS are an advantage.
- Professional experience in R&D within the space industry
- Knowledge and/or experience in Aerospace certification and regulatory compliance are a plus
- Confident using the following tools: MS Office, Python
- An exciting work environment encompassing the development, construction, and operation of hybrid rockets.
- Flexible working time (flextime), 30 days of holiday
- Hybrid working / Homeoffice / mobile working
- Christmas bonus
- Performance incentives possible
- Professional skills development through further training opportunities
- A diverse and inspiring work environment where talented individuals from over 16 nations come together to achieve greatness.
- Direct contribution and participation in the end-to-end development processes of a growing New Space start-up
This role will be based in Glasgow, Scotland and at occasionally there may be requirements to travel to our facilities in Neuenstadt am Kocher, Germany or our test and launch facilities in Shetland.
Glasgow has a strong aerospace and advanced manufacturing community with world class small satellite manufacturers, HyImpulse’s potential customers, located there. More satellites are built in Glasgow than any other place outside California, a dynamic and thriving environment in which to join a New Space company.
Ranked number 2 UK city for work-life balance (Startups Cities Index 2022), low housing and living costs, high internet speeds - a city internationally recognised for its openness, resilience, trust and friendliness, Glasgow is one of the top destinations for science, engineering innovation and design in Europe.
From top events, attractions and cultural festivals to the city's iconic music venues, a diverse and award-winning food and drink scene and the largest retail destination in the UK outside of London, there is plenty to keep everyone entertained. Over 90 parks and gardens, city cycling routes, the River Clyde, and the Clyde and Forth Canal, offers urban tranquillity as well as the welcome buzz of a city.
Beyond Glasgow’s thriving urban social scene, it is the perfect base to explore Scotland. Stunning scenery in the form of rolling hills, glens and lochs are reachable within half an hour’s drive of the city centre and outdoor sports such as hillwalking, climbing, sailing, hiking and mountain biking are popular weekend pursuits.
Equal Employment Opportunity:
HyImpulse is committed to building a diverse and inclusive environment. As an equal opportunity employer, all qualified applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, age or disability.Ready for your future? Apply now, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Industriemechaniker (m/w/d)
Typ: Vollzeit
Beginn: ab sofort
Standort: Neuenstadt
- Fertigung von Teilen und Baugruppen nach Zeichnung und Plänen
- Montage von Baugruppen
- Wartung, Instandhaltung und Umbau der mechanischen Anlagen, Produktionsmaschinen und Betriebsmittel nach vorgegebenen technischen Plänen
- Sägen, Bohren, Schleifen, Feilen, Schneiden und Kleben
- Einhaltung der Qualitätsvorgaben
- Arbeit mit Prototypen, sowie Produktionsanlagen in der Fertigung
- Einsatz auf Test- und Flugkampagnen im In- und Ausland möglich
- Erfolgreich abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung zum Industriemechaniker (m/w/d) oder vergleichbare Ausbildung
- Mindestens 3 Jahre Berufserfahrung
- Hohes Qualitätsbewusstsein
- Kommunikations- und Teamfähigkeit, sowie eine selbstständige Arbeitsweise
- Handwerkliches Geschick
- Kenntnisse mit dem Umgang einer Konventionellen Drehmaschinen ist wünschenswert
- Ein spannendes Arbeitsumfeld, dass die Entwicklung, den Bau und den Einsatz von Hybridraketen umfasst
- 30 Tage Urlaub
- Weihnachtsgeld
- VISA-Kreditkarte mit 50 € Guthaben pro Monat, die für Einkäufe im Einzelhandel verwendet werden können
- Bike-Leasing
- Leistungsanreize möglich
- Berufliche Weiterentwicklung durch Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten
- Ein vielfältiges und inspirierendes Arbeitsumfeld, in dem talentierten Menschen aus über 16 Nationen zusammenkommen, um Großes zu leisten.
- Direkter Beitrag und Teilnahme an den End-to-End-Entwicklungsprozessen eines wachsenden New Space Start-ups.
Unser Standort Neuenstadt im Heilbronner Land bietet eine optimale Kombination aus ländlichem Charme und städtischer Lebensqualität. Gelegen im Herzen von Baden-Württemberg, zeichnet sich die Region durch ihre hervorragende Verkehrsanbindung und ihre vielfältigen Freizeitmöglichkeiten aus. Entdecke die Vorzüge dieser dynamischen und lebenswerten Umgebung und profitiere von einer ausgewogenen Work-Life-Balance. Aus Baden-Württemberg sind 2023 mit großem Abstand deutschlandweit die meisten Patente angemeldet worden. Insgesamt sind 16.000 Menschen in LR BW-Mitgliedseinrichtungen tätig und setzen jährlich rund 5 Milliarden Euro um – Tendenz steigend. Die Stärke der baden-württembergischen Luft- und Raumfahrt liegt in der integrierten Wertschöpfungskette von der Schraube bishin zum Forschungssatelliten.
Gleiche Beschäftigungschancen:
HyImpulse ist bestrebt, ein vielfältiges und integratives Umfeld zu schaffen. Als Arbeitgeber, der die Chancengleichheit fördert, werden alle qualifizierten Bewerber ohne Rücksicht auf Rasse, Hautfarbe, Religion, Geschlecht, Geschlechtsidentität, genetische Informationen, nationale Herkunft, Alter oder Behinderung berücksichtigt. Bist du bereit für deine Zukunft? Bewerbe dich jetzt unter This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Industrial Mechanic (m/f/d)
Type: Full-time
Start: immediately
Location: Neuenstadt
Key Responsibilities:
- Production of parts and assemblies according to drawings and plans.
- Assembly of components.
- Maintenance, servicing and conversion of mechanical systems, production machines and equipment according to specified technical plans.
- Compliance with quality specifications.
- Working with prototypes and production systems in manufacturing.
- Possible involvement in test and flight campaigns in Germany and/or abroad.
Basic Qualification:
- Successfully completed vocational training as an industrial mechanic (m/f/d) or comparable training.
- At least 3 years of professional experience.
- High quality awareness.
- Ability to communicate and work in a team, as well as an independent way of working.
- Experience with TIG welding is an advantage.
- Knowledge about the use of conventional turning machines is desirable.
- An exciting work environment encompassing the development, construction, and operation of hybrid rockets.
- Flexible working time (flextime), 30 days of holiday
- Hybrid working / Homeoffice / mobile working
- Christmas bonus
- Bike-Leasing
- Performance incentives possible
- Professional skills development through further training opportunities
- A diverse and inspiring work environment where talented individuals from over 16 nations come together to achieve greatness.
- Direct contribution and participation in the end-to-end development processes of a growing New Space start-up
Our location in Neuenstadt in the region of Heilbronn offers an ideal combination of rural charm and urban quality of life. Located in the heart of Baden-Württemberg, the region is characterized by its excellent traffic connections and diverse opportunities for leisure activities. Discover the advantages of this dynamic and liveable environment and benefit from a good work-life balance. Last year, Baden-Württemberg registered by far the most patents in Germany. A total of 16,000 people work in LR BW member companies and generate an annual turnover of around 5 billion euros - and the trend is rising. The strength of Baden-Württemberg's aerospace industry lies in the integrated value chain from the screw to the research satellite.
Equal Employment Opportunity:
HyImpulse is committed to building a diverse and inclusive environment. As an equal opportunity employer, all qualified applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, age or disability.Ready for your future? Apply now, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Launch Vehicle Systems Engineer (m/f/d)
Type: Full-time / Part-time and flexible working considered
Start: Negotiable
Location: Glasgow, Scotland
We are looking for an experienced systems engineer to join our team to continue the development of our launch vehicle and award-winning hybrid propulsion system. You will join our growing UK team in Scotland and take part in the development of our orbital launch vehicle, SL1.
HyImpulse's mission is to unlock the full potential of the small satellite industry in Europe and globally by providing sustainable small satellite launch services powered by unique hybrid propulsion systems. This is an exciting time to join the company, we are rapidly expanding, the European trailblazer in hybrid propulsion development. We have recently launched our flight demonstrator, a sounding rocket, in May and now accelerating the pace of the orbital vehicle program. The next phase is to complete development of our three-stage launch vehicle powered by the same hybrid propulsion system which will provide launch services for the rapidly expanding, global small satellite market. Our primary launch site partner will be SaxaVord Spaceport located on Unst, the most Northern Island of the United Kingdom.
The position
HyImpulse is now looking for an experienced Systems Engineers to accelerate progress on our launch vehicle ahead of first launch. This is an exciting time to join the company in the midst of orbital launcher development. You will be involved in HyImpulse's Launch vehicle design process with a particular focus on the propellant handling systems. We are seeking exceptional candidates for this role who are passionate about rockets, ready to work in a fast-paced environment and take on challenging projects.
Key Responsibilities:
- Generate and manage system, subsystems and interface requirements and budgets
- Drive trade-off and technical investigations at system level
- Coordinate technical development and plans such as design, testing, integration, etc.
- Act proactively in assessing risks related to mission, technologies , and development
- Report development updates and design deviations to the project manager
- Maintain an overview on quality
- Support project manager in assessing timeline and costs
Basic Qualification:
- Masters' degree in Aerospace Engineering or comparable
- Strong knowledge and/or experience in launch vehicle or propulsion development
- Ability to work independently
- Collaborative spirit
- Strong planning and organizational skills
- Problem solving mentality
- Fluent oral and written English
Desired Experience:
- 3+ years of experience as a System Engineer for a specific subsystem or the whole spacecraft
- Knowledge and/or experience in a field such as chemical propulsion, mechanical design, fluid systems or avionics
- Professional experience in R&D within the space industry
- Experience in subsystem integration and interface requirements
- Experience in definition of margins across project reviews
- Confident using the following tools: MS Office, Valispace or similar, CAD software
- An exciting work environment encompassing the development, construction, and operation of hybrid rockets
- Flexible working time (flextime), 30 days of holiday
- Hybrid working / Homeoffice / mobile working
- Christmas bonus
- Performance incentives possible
- Professional skills development through further training opportunities
- A diverse and inspiring work environment where talented individuals from over 16 nations come together to achieve greatness
- Direct contribution and participation in the end-to-end development processes of a growing New Space start-up
This role will be based in Glasgow, Scotland and at occasionally there may be requirements to travel to our facilities in Neuenstadt am Kocher, Germany or our test and launch facilities in Shetland. Glasgow has a strong aerospace and advanced manufacturing community with world class small satellite manufacturers, HyImpulse’s potential customers, located there. More satellites are built in Glasgow than any other place outside California, a dynamic and thriving environment in which to join a New Space company. Ranked number 2 UK city for work-life balance (Startups Cities Index 2022), low housing and living costs, high internet speeds - a city internationally recognised for its openness, resilience, trust and friendliness, Glasgow is one of the top destinations for science, engineering innovation and design in Europe. From top events, attractions and cultural festivals to the city's iconic music venues, a diverse and award-winning food and drink scene and the largest retail destination in the UK outside of London, there is plenty to keep everyone entertained. Over 90 parks and gardens, city cycling routes, the River Clyde, and the Clyde and Forth Canal, offers urban tranquillity as well as the welcome buzz of a city. Beyond Glasgow’s thriving urban social scene, it is the perfect base to explore Scotland. Stunning scenery in the form of rolling hills, glens and lochs are reachable within half an hour’s drive of the city centre and outdoor sports such as hillwalking, climbing, sailing, hiking and mountain biking are popular weekend pursuits.
Equal Employment Opportunity:
HyImpulse is committed to building a diverse and inclusive environment. As an equal opportunity employer, all qualified applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, age or disability.Ready for your future? Apply now, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Propulsion Engineer (m/f/d)
Type: Full-time
Start: immediately
Location: Neuenstadt
Key Responsibilities:
- Contribute to the development of the hybrid motors
- Support combustion tests activities and documentation
- Support production activities and documentation
- Perform test data analysis
Basic Qualification:
- M.Sc. in Aerospace or Propulsion Engineering
- Fluent oral and written English
- Background in chemical propulsion
Desired Experience:
- 2+ years experience
- Experience in hybrid rocket propulsion
- German is a plus
- An exciting work environment encompassing the development, construction, and operation of hybrid rockets.
- Flexible working time (flextime), 30 days of holiday
- Hybrid working / Homeoffice / mobile working
- Christmas bonus
- Bike-Leasing
- Performance incentives possible
- Professional skills development through further training opportunities
- A diverse and inspiring work environment where talented individuals from over 16 nations come together to achieve greatness.
- Direct contribution and participation in the end-to-end development processes of a growing New Space start-up
Our location in Neuenstadt in the region of Heilbronn offers an ideal combination of rural charm and urban quality of life. Located in the heart of Baden-Württemberg, the region is characterized by its excellent traffic connections and diverse opportunities for leisure activities. Discover the advantages of this dynamic and liveable environment and benefit from a good work-life balance. Last year, Baden-Württemberg registered by far the most patents in Germany. A total of 16,000 people work in LR BW member companies and generate an annual turnover of around 5 billion euros - and the trend is rising. The strength of Baden-Württemberg's aerospace industry lies in the integrated value chain from the screw to the research satellite.
Equal Employment Opportunity:
HyImpulse is committed to building a diverse and inclusive environment. As an equal opportunity employer, all qualified applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, age or disability.Ready for your future? Apply now, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..